Ocean Orbs and Tidal Treasures

By Lucy Tapper

sea glass checklist book

Sea glass hunters Lucy and Steve and their family spend weekends in Devon, England, scouring the sand for treasures to add to their collection. They created the handy Sea Glass Guide with information about beach finds, concise explanations, clear photos, and room to add your own notes. Next to each beach find is information and history about where it may have come from. The guide fits in a beach bag with your snacks and gear and features your name on the cover and checklists to track your growing collection. Learn more at www.fromlucy.com.

Ocean Orbs

A perfectly frosted beautiful sea marble is a true prize for a sea glass hunter and is always worthy of a “happy dance.” No one knows for sure how they get into the ocean, although there are a number of theories...

codd marbles and playing marbles...

industrial spray can marbles

sea glass marble clay marbles

Tidal Treasures

sea glass buttons

military button mourning button

sea glass beads

opalite multicolor glass musket ball

This article appeared in theBeachcombing Volume 38 September/October2023.

All photos courtesy of Lucy Tapper

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